- 2019-12-02 《PNAS》发表了许冬清教授实验室“BBX4, a phyB interacting and -modulated regulator, directly inter...
- 2019-11-25 《Nature Comm. 》发表万建民院士团队“Genome-wide associated study identifies NAC42-activated nitr...
- 2019-11-13 《Plant Physiology》发表张红生教授团队“OsSYP121 Accumulates at Fungal Penetration Sites and Medi...
- 2019-11-11 《Bioinformatics》发表张红生教授团队“WPMIAS: Whole-degradome-based Plant MicroRNA-Target Interac...
- 2019-08-26 《Cell Research》发表万建民院士团队“A cyclic nucleotide-gated channel mediates cytoplasmic calci...
- 2019-06-18 《Nature Genetics》期刊发表马正强教授团队“Mutation of a histidine-rich calcium-bindingprotein ge...
- 2019-04-01 《The Plant Cell》发表张红生教授团队“Rice qGL3/OsPPKL1 Functions with the GSK3/SHAGGY-Like Kinas...
- 2019-03-27 《The Plant Cell》发表万建民院士团队“OsSHI1 Regulates Plant Architecture Through Modulating the ...
- 2019-03-20 《Nature Plants》发表杨东雷教授“Inducible overexpression of Ideal Plant Architecture1improves bo...
- 2018-06-13 《Science》发表万建民团队“A selfish genetic element confers non-Mendelian inheritance in rice ”
- 2018-03-22 《Molecular Plant》发表了小麦遗传与种质创新团队“Pm21 from Haynaldia villosa encodes a CC-NBS-LRR...
- 2017-08-02 《Plant Physiology》发表郭旺珍教授团队“5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase gene dosage affects pro...
- 2017-07-25 《PLoS Genetics》发表万建民院士团队“OsCNGC13 promotes seed-setting rate by facilitating pollen t...
- 2015-12-09 国家科技进步二等奖
- 2015-11-30 国家技术发明二等奖