- 2025-03-21 《Nature Communications》发表丁艳锋教授团队“Legacy effects cause systematic underestimation of N...
- 2025-03-10 《New Phytologist》发表李姗教授团队“Discovery of SOD5 as a novel regulator of nitrogen use effic...
- 2025-03-06 《PNAS》发表万建民院士团队“A WRKY transcription factor confers broad-spectrum resistance to biot...
- 2025-02-17 《JIPB》发表万建民院士团队“Small and Round Grain is involved in brassinosteroid signaling pathwa...
- 2025-02-10 《Nature Communications》发表李姗教授团队“Natural variation of OsWRKY23 drives differences in ni...
- 2025-01-16 《Nature Genetics》发表马正强教授团队“Mutagenesis and analysis of contrasting wheat lines do not...
- 2025-01-08 《Remote Sensing of Environment》发表智慧农业团队“Improved generality of wheat green LAI models ...
- 2025-01-06 《Nature Communications》发表丁艳锋教授和李姗教授团队“Variation in a single allele drives diverg...
- 2024-11-25 《Nature Communications》发表棉花遗传育种团队“Re-localization of a repeat-containing fungal effe...
- 2024-11-22 《Global Change Biology》发表水稻栽培团队“Soil pH determines nitrogen effects on methane emissio...
- 2024-11-11 《New Phytologist》发表许冬清教授团队“The BBX7/8-CCA1/LHY transcription factor cascade promotes ...
- 2024-11-08 《Plant Physiology》在线发表棉花遗传与种质创新利用团队“MYB30-INTERACTING E3 LIGASE 1 regulates L...
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- 2024-08-02 《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》发表智慧农业团队“Simulating the effects of low-temperatur...
- 2024-07-25 《JIPB》发表许冬清教授团队“BBX9 forms feedback loops with PIFs and BBX21 to promote photomorphog...