谢 全
发布人: 发布日期: 2024-01-01 浏览次数:
主要从事小麦分子遗传学、基因组学和生物育种研究,研究方向包括:(1)小麦重要性状优异基因挖掘与分子设计育种;(2)小麦关键育种性状形成的分子遗传调控机制。目前,主持国家自然科学基金生物育种研究青年专项和青年科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、江苏省重点研发计划、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省农业科技自主创新资金等项目。发表期刊论文21篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份在Journal of Experimental Botany、Theoretical and Applied Genetics、Annals of Botany、《作物学报》等国内外刊物上发表高质量论文13篇,论文总被引800多次。先后入选人社部留学人员科技创新择优资助项目、江苏省“高层次创新创业人才引进计划”。
2016.01 – 2018.11,南京农业大学农学院,讲师
2011.10 – 2015.07,英国诺丁汉大学生物科学院,作物学专业,博士
2009.09 – 2011.09,四川农业大学小麦研究所,作物遗传育种专业,硕士
2005.09 – 2009.06,四川农业大学农学院,农学专业,学士
(6)江苏省自然科学基金面上项目:小麦粒重QTL QGw.nau-1B 的克隆与优异单倍型发掘
(10)人社部留学人员科技创新择优资助项目:小麦粒重主效QTL QTgw.uon-3B 的精细定位与效应评价
(12)中央高校基本科研业务费学科建设项目:小麦光周期基因Ppd-1 调控产量与株型可塑性的分子基础
Xie Q, Sparkes DL (2021) Dissecting the trade-off of grain number and size in wheat. Planta, 254: 3.
韩玉洲,张勇,杨阳,顾正中,吴科,谢全(通讯作者),孔忠新,贾海燕,马正强. 小麦株高QTL Qph.nau-5B的效应评价. 作物学报,2021,47(6): 1188–1196.
Ma Z, Xie Q, Li G, Jia H, Zhou J, Kong Z, Li N, Yuan Y (2020) Germplasms, genetics and genomics for better control of disastrous wheat Fusarium head blight. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133: 1541–1568.
Yao H, Xie Q (通讯作者), Xue S, Luo J, Lu J, Kong Z, Wang Y, Zhai W, Lu N, Wei R, Yang Y, Han Y, Zhang Y, Jia H, Ma Z (2019) HL2 on chromosome 7D of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) regulates both head length and spikelet number. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 132: 1789–1797.
Xie Q, Li N, Yang Y, Lv Y, Yao H, Wei R, Sparkes DL, Ma Z (2018) Pleiotropic effects of the wheat domestication gene Q on yield and grain morphology. Planta, 247: 1089–1098.
Xie Q, Fernando KMC, Mayes S, Sparkes DL (2017) Identifying seedling root architectural traits associated with yield and yield components in wheat. Annals of Botany, 119: 1115–1129.
Cheng R, Kong Z, Zhang L, Xie Q, Jia H, Yu D, Huang Y, Ma Z (2017) Mapping QTLs controlling kernel dimensions in a wheat inter-varietal RIL mapping population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 130: 1405–1414.
Xie Q, Mayes S, Sparkes DL (2016) Optimizing tiller production and survival for grain yield improvement in a bread wheat x spelt mapping population. Annals of Botany, 117: 51–66.
Xie Q, Mayes S, Sparkes DL (2016) Early anthesis and delayed but fast leaf senescence contribute to individual grain dry matter and water accumulation in wheat. Field Crops Research, 187: 24–34.
Xie Q, Mayes S, Sparkes DL (2016) Preanthesis biomass accumulation of plant and plant organs defines yield components in wheat. European Journal of Agronomy, 81:15–26.
Xie Q, Mayes S, Sparkes DL (2015) Carpel size, grain filling and morphology determine individual grain weight in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66: 6715–6730.
Xie Q, Mayes S, Sparkes DL (2015) Spelt as a genetic resource for yield component improvement in bread wheat. Crop Science, 55: 2753–2765.
Xie Q, Kang H, Sparkes DL, Tao S, Fan XM, Xu L, Fan X, Sha L, Zhang H, Wang Y, Zeng J, Zhou Y (2013) Mitotic and meiotic behavior of rye chromosomes in wheat-Psathyrostachys huashanica amphiploid x triticale progeny. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12: 2537–2548.
Xie Q, Kang H, Tao S, Sparkes DL, Fan XM, Cui Z, Xu L, Huang J, Fan X, Sha L, Zhang H, Zhou Y (2012) Wheat lines derived from trigeneric hybrids of wheat-rye-Psathyrostachys huashanica, the potential resources for grain weight improvement. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 6: 1550–1557.
本科生: 分子生物学,分子生物学实验,组学概论
荣 誉
2023 学年南京农业大学教师教学质量综合评价优秀奖
090102 作物遗传育种
071007 遗传学
095131 农艺与种业